
An increasingly common ailment, over 3% of the population suffers from fibromyalgia in the US alone. Although it can occur in almost anyone, women seem to be more prone to it. Fibromyalgia or FMS (fibromyalgia syndrome) is marked by widespread pain experienced all over the body without any clearly identifiable cause.

Dr. Adonis has helped hundreds of patients suffering from FMS, some of which have completely resolved their symptoms. Through his years of study and practice, Dr. A has found a sustainable combination of the best techniques to help his patients heal, build a sense of self, and live meaningful, pain-free lives. 

If you are certain that you want to live a happier, more positive, and pain-free life without fibromyalgia, make an appointment with our clinic today.

Learn More About Fibromyalgia

Understanding Fibromyalgia

Although the term body pain almost completely sums up what fibromyalgia is, it is a fairly complicated condition. To begin with, it is difficult to ascertain the exact cause of the problem. Some theories indicate that it may be the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain, which changes the messages sent by the nervous system to the rest of the body. Some streams of thought believe that FMS may also be genetically acquired. Other causes of fibromyalgia include injuries and surgery, stressors like failed relationships, death, or separation.

Who Can Be Affected by Fibromyalgia?

Some factors that place individuals at a higher risk of FMS are:

  • Women are about seven times more likely to suffer from FMS than men
  • The most common age during which FMS manifests is between 30 and 50 years
  • Those who have suffered repetitive illnesses or are prone to injuries are more likely to have FMS
  • Those with a family history of FMS
  • Those who have suffered traumatic or stressful life events are more likely to have FMS
  • FMS is more likely to affect those who are obese

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

FMS is not confined to pain alone. There can be several other accompanying symptoms, which can often be misleading when making a diagnosis. Some of these include depression, extreme fatigue and stiffness throughout the body, headaches and insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, and problems related to memory and concentration.

Diagnosing Fibromyalgia

It is hard to make an accurate diagnosis of FMS since there are many largely undifferentiated symptoms. Doctors may sometimes rely on medical tests to rule out other ailments and determine that the patient is, in fact, suffering from FMS.

Complications Arising From Fibromyalgia

Several complications may arise from fibromyalgia. Dr. Adonis has often noted that treating for the observable symptoms of FMS is often the easiest, while managing and arresting potential complications is the greatest challenge. Some complications include:

  • Reduced functioning and increased dependency on support. Persons suffering from FMS have shown a consistent loss in quality of life without the right kind of intervention and support.
  • Increased risk of developing rheumatic conditions or repeated hospitalizations for various ailments.
  • Increased possibility of suffering from depression and injuries with an increased risk of suicide.

Treating Fibromyalgia

It is an established fact that there is still no known and certified cure for FMS. Medical practitioners usually recommend a multitude of healthcare specialists to care for the patient. This may include neurologists, psychologists, and rheumatologists to work on different aspects of the condition.

Functional medicine offers an extremely effective way to manage patients with FMS, offering a multi-pronged approach that incorporates various forms of therapy and assures better, more sustained results. Some of these include:

  • Comprehensive patient history, a thorough physical examination for screening multiple parameters, and detailed laboratory tests to help devise a customized plan
  • Hormone replacement therapy to supplement the depleted hormones if needed and help restore balance 
  • Intravenous therapy to improve vitamin and mineral levels and boost your immunity
  • Communication and counseling to help patients verbalize and find an outlet for their emotions
  • A complete detoxification program to help eliminate the toxin build-up

Here are some suggestions by Dr. A to help you prevent FMS:

  • Avoid burnout – exhausting physical and mental faculties often causes the body to give up. Save time for rest and rejuvenation before you take on more challenges, and give yourself a much-needed break.
  • Eat well – a diet that includes foods of all colors ensures a better balance. Incorporate plenty of raw foods, and opt for fresh food. Dr. A recommends that fresh vegetables should constitute 80% of your food intake. Avoid fried and salty foods, and minimize your intake of caffeine. Eat a fiber-rich diet and include probiotics in your food to help balance your intestinal health.
  • Detoxify regularly – the body is often overwhelmed with stressors since it has not managed to deal with its existing problems. Ensure a complete detoxification regimen, using natural detox, at physical and mental levels.
  • Sleep – Sleeplessness is often a symptom of FMS or a sign that you may be headed toward it. Regularize your sleep patterns and ensure the body has a chance to rest. Sleep is also known to calm the body and soothe the pain.
  • Beat stress – Stress can cause FMS to flare up significantly. Minimize stress by taking better control of your life and practice breathing, meditation, and prayers.
  • Exercise – This is an excellent way to eliminate toxins naturally, reduce stress, and stay fit. Although high-intensity workouts are not recommended, a moderate workout, preferably outdoors, can help work the body and relax the mind.
  • Track yourself – Monitor your activities and patterns. Look for triggers that add to the problem and things that calm you and make you feel better. This will help you form a coping mechanism and deal with the condition in the long run.